Por Robert Vargas
¿En algún momento el Presidente del Senado dominicano, Reynaldo Pared Pérez, el dirigente opositor y actual diputado Victor Gómez Casanova han sido beneficiados por el narcotráfico?
¿En algún momento el Presidente del Senado dominicano, Reynaldo Pared Pérez, el dirigente opositor y actual diputado Victor Gómez Casanova han sido beneficiados por el narcotráfico?
Según un cable filtrado por el portal Wikileaks, es posible que sea cierta esa versión, pero la misma fue descartada por la Procuraduría General de la República Dominicana.
El cable en cuestión, que puede ser visto haciendo clic aquí, relata que los dos polìticos supuestamente recibieron propiedades pagadas por el narcotráfico.
Se trata de uno de los cables clasificados del entonces embajador estadounidense en República Dominicana Hans Hertell al Departamento de Estado en el que el diplomático relata que en una reunión con el entonces Procurador General de la República, Francisco Dominguez Brito, le preguntó a este sobre las presuntas pruebas que había colectado la Agencia Antidrogas de USA (DEA), que incriminaban a Pared Pérez y a Gómez con el narcotráfico.
Específicamente, el cable dice que los dos políticos habrían recibido apartamentos pagados en efectivo por los hermanos Ulloa, quienes luego fueron extraditados a Estados Unidos para enfrentar cargos por narcotrráfico.
Agrega que a la interrogante de Hertell, Domínguez Brito habría indicado que no se contemplaba alguna investigación a los dos polìticos debido a la falta de de pruebas incriminatorias.
En otra parte del cable sale a relucir el nombre del ex jefe del Ejército Nacional, Zorrilla Ozuna, en la administración de Hipólito Mejìa, como supuesto beneficiario de la banda del capo Qurino Ernesto Castillo u otros traficantes.
Aunque hace varios días que el cable está colgado en el portal dedicado a la filtración de documentos, ninguna autoridad dominicana se ha referido públicamente al tema.
El cable de Hertells está fechado al día 1 de Febrero del año 2006 cuando Gómez Casanova era Secretario General del Partido Reformista Social Crisitiano.
C) The Ambassador inquired about evidence collected by
DEA that two prominent politicians -- ruling PLD secretary
general Reinaldo Pared Perez and opposition PRSC secretary
general Victor Gomez Casanova -- had acquired luxury
apartments paid for in cash from the Ulloa brothers,
subsequently extradited to the United States to face drug
trafficking charges. Dominguez Brito indicated that no
investigation of the two politicians was contemplated, on
grounds of insufficient evidence; "hundreds of businessmen
buy similar properties," he said. He dismissed the idea that
the PLD was removing him from the AG position in order to
protect party members
Drug Trafficking
- - - - - - - - - - - -
¶10. (C) Dominguez Brito expressed disappointment that so far,
U.S. investigators of extradited drug traffickers, including
Quirino Paulino and the Ulloa brothers, had not provided
evidence implicating others still in the Dominican
Republic,and implied that the slowness of the U.S. cases hurt
the ability to hold and prosecute additional persons
connected with Quirino in the Dominican Republic. He noted
the recent Dominican judicial decision to release alleged
Quirino accomplice Eleuterio Guante for lack of sufficient
evidence. He asserted that many high-ranking military
officers in the Mejia administration, such as former
Dominican army commander Gen. Zorrilla Ozuna, had received
money from the Quirino gang or other traffickers.
Traffickers in the barrios buy protection from police and
military personnel. Also he asserted that Quirino's band is
still operating under the leadership of one of his family
DEA that two prominent politicians -- ruling PLD secretary
general Reinaldo Pared Perez and opposition PRSC secretary
general Victor Gomez Casanova -- had acquired luxury
apartments paid for in cash from the Ulloa brothers,
subsequently extradited to the United States to face drug
trafficking charges. Dominguez Brito indicated that no
investigation of the two politicians was contemplated, on
grounds of insufficient evidence; "hundreds of businessmen
buy similar properties," he said. He dismissed the idea that
the PLD was removing him from the AG position in order to
protect party members
Drug Trafficking
- - - - - - - - - - - -
¶10. (C) Dominguez Brito expressed disappointment that so far,
U.S. investigators of extradited drug traffickers, including
Quirino Paulino and the Ulloa brothers, had not provided
evidence implicating others still in the Dominican
Republic,and implied that the slowness of the U.S. cases hurt
the ability to hold and prosecute additional persons
connected with Quirino in the Dominican Republic. He noted
the recent Dominican judicial decision to release alleged
Quirino accomplice Eleuterio Guante for lack of sufficient
evidence. He asserted that many high-ranking military
officers in the Mejia administration, such as former
Dominican army commander Gen. Zorrilla Ozuna, had received
money from the Quirino gang or other traffickers.
Traffickers in the barrios buy protection from police and
military personnel. Also he asserted that Quirino's band is
still operating under the leadership of one of his family
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